p. 11-15
A.V. Mayakova, Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of International Relations and Public Administration, Southwest State University; Kursk
e-mail: i@amajakova.ru
This work contains a study of the social quality of life from the perspective of dialectical-synergetic and interdisciplinary approaches, namely, it suggests the notion of a concept of social quality of life, its features are determined in the context of current trends in modern science, the possibility of applying dialectical-synergetic methodology and criteria for interdisciplinary studies of the reproduction of social quality of life through a complex system of qualities (human quality, quality of education, quality of life).
Keywords: quality, social quality of life, dialectical-synergetic approach, interdisciplinary research, complexity theory, system.
The publication was prepared with the support of the Grant of the President of the Russian Federation for state support of young Russian scientists No. MK-261.2022.2 "Social quality management in the era of digital transformations"
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DOI: 10.34214/2312-5209-2022-36-4-11-15