Application of the Recommendations of GOST R ISO 45001-2020 to the Enterprise Management System – Implementation of a Risk-Based Approach to Occupational Safety Management
E.E. Galkina, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Moscow Aviation Institute (NRU); Moscow
A.E. Sorokin, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, head of the department «Ecology, Life Support Systems and Life Safety», Moscow Aviation Institute (NRU); Moscow
M.I. Dainov, Candidate of Sciences in Engineering, Professor, Moscow Aviation Institute (NRU); Moscow
M.A. Kovtun, postgraduate student, Moscow Aviation Institute (NRU); Moscow
In 2021, in Russia, against the background of increased funding for the occupational safety measures, an increase in occupational injuries with severe consequences for the health of workers was recorded. Among the reasons that led to accidents, the organizational reasons prevail. In order to change the current situation, all Russian enterprises should develop occupational safety management systems and switch to a risk-based approach in occupational safety management involving the most individual assessment and consideration of the existing and projected risks at each workplace, and the formation of action plans to eliminate them, taking into account the specifics of workplaces. The development of occupational health and safety management systems, taking into account the recommendations of GOST R ISO 45001-2020, will allow the enterprises to fulfill the legal requirements, implement a system approach to the organization of work on occupational safety, effectively work to eliminate occupational risks, and further certify the occupational health and safety management system.
Keywords: occupational injuries, occupational safety management system, risk-oriented approach to occupational safety management, corporate safety culture, personnel responsibility.
1. Results of occupational safety and health monitoring in the Russian Federation in 2020. Moscow. Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation. 2021.2
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9. Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of 24.12.2021 No. 2464 «Rules for the training of workers in occupational safety».
10. Federal Law No. 197-FZ dated 30.12.2001 «Labor Code of the Russian Federation» (revision as of 25.07.2022).
DOI: 10.34214/2312-5209-2022-36-4-35-41