DOI: 10.34214/2312-5209-2022-36-4-16-26"> "Quality and Life" № 4(36) 2022. p. 16-26

"Quality and Life" № 4(36) 2022. p. 16-26

Multi-Level Model of the Document Interchange Telecommunication Complex

V.M. Sobol, consultant-programmer of the Scientific and Thematic Center of Joint-Stock Company «Research Institute for Automated Apparatus named after Academician V.S. Semenikhin»; Moscow


E.I. Mitrushkin, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Scientific Secretary of Joint-Stock Company «Research Institute for Automated Apparatus named after Academician V.S. Semenikhin»; Moscow

S.Y. Baladin, Candidate of Technical Sciences. The Head of the Scientific and Thematic Center of Joint-Stock Company «Research Institute for Automated Apparatus named after Academician V.S. Semenikhin»; Moscow

V.B. Korotayev, Candidate of Technical Sciences, the Senior Researcher. Consultant to the Head of the Scientific and Thematic Center of Joint-Stock Company «Research Institute for Automated Apparatus named after Academician V.S. Semenikhin»; Moscow

The article presents the elements of a multi-level model of the telecommunication complex, formalized in the notations of the pictorial capabilities of extended Petri networks. The methodology of creating an automated document interchange system based on the use of a specialized transport network is considered. A model of addressing the documentary messages is proposed, which is one of the foundations of information interaction of subscribers in spatially distributed systems. The functional structure of tasks of a number of components and subsystems of telecommunication complexes is formalized. A formal description of the organization of the transmission of documentary messages is provided. The paradigm of priority servicing of messages of various categories of urgency is stated.

Keywords: telecommunication complex, addressing system, addressing architecture, data exchange system, documentary exchange, priority maintenance, modeling of systems, Petri networks.

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DOI: 10.34214/2312-5209-2022-36-4-16-26

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