Quality and Life" № 1(21) 2019. p. 72-79

Disposal of Solid Domestic Waste as a Way to Improve the Quality of Human Life in the Rostov Region 

V.L. Gaponovdoctor of technical sciences, professor, Donskoy state technical university; Rostov-on-Don  

T.N. Savuskancandidate of chemical sciences, deputy student, senior lecturer; Rostov-on-Don
E.Yu. Gaponovasenior lecturer, senior lecturer; Rostov-on-Don  
The article discusses the impact of solid waste landfills on the quality of the environment, on the health of the population of the Rostov region. An analysis of information on the management of municipal solid waste in Russia and abroad. In the Rostov region, as well as in Russia as a whole, municipal solid waste is not mainly divided into components. To reduce transport costs and reduce emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere in Russia, the waste handling complexes, inter-municipal environmental waste-treatment complexes are used, in the Rostov region there are eight of them. However, only a small amount of municipal solid waste is recycled and neutralized, therefore these measures cannot ensure a high quality of human life. The proposed measures to identify the most ecological path of disposal of solid waste in the Rostov region. 
Keywords: landfill, quality of environment, waste handling complexes, inter-municipal environmental waste-treatment complexes, ecological path of disposal. 
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