Quality and Life" № 1(21) 2019. p. 58-61

Improvement of Working Conditions of the Medical Personnel Working with Sources of X-Ray Radiation 

E.V. Bulgakovacandidate of biology, associate professor, Tyumen state medical university, Industrial university of Tyumen; Tyumen
G.A. Sulkarnaevadoctor of medicine, professor, Tyumen state medical university, Industrial university of Tyumen; Tyumen

E.I. Zavertanayacandidate of biology, associate professor, Tyumen state medical university, Industrial university of Tyumen; Tyumen
Working conditions and organization of modern workplaces with X-ray sources have changed significantly due to the modernization of the X-ray equipment and the introduction of digital technologies. However, analyzing results of special assessment of working conditions we pointed out, that 32% of workplaces of the examined medical organizations defined class 3.1, 2% – class 3.2 only for ionizing (X-ray) radiation.  Based on the analysis, we developed recommendations for improving the working conditions of medical personnel working with sources of X-ray radiation: aeroionization of air, regulated breaks and uniform distribution of patients within the working day, provision of modern individual protection means, radiation control. 
Keywords: X-ray radiation, working conditions, medical personnel, recommendations. 
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