Quality and Life" № 1(21) 2019. p. 29-33

Analytical Solution of the Problem of Constructing an Epure of a Reinforced Elliptical Frame by a  Floor Beam M.I. Saliba, O.S. Dolgov, L.A. Bulychev, A.A. Zotov

M.I. Salibagraduate student of the «design of the special aviation complexes» department of Moscow aviation institute (National Research University); Moscow 
O.S. Dolgovdoctor of technical sciences, head of the «Technological design and quality management» department of Moscow aviation institute (National Research University); Moscow
L.A. Bulychevcandidate of technical sciences, professor of the «Design and strength of aviation-rocket and space products» department of Moscow aviation institute (National Research University); Moscow
A.A. Zotov, doctor of technical sciences, professor of the «Design and strength of aviation-rocket and space products» department of Moscow aviation institute (National Research University); Moscow
The article solves the problem of plotting the bending moment in the plane of the frame for the fuselage of an elliptical cross section by an analytical method. The task considers an elliptical frame, supported by a floor power beam, a moment is calculated at each point and a plot of bending moment is derived for the frame and floor beam. 
Keywords: large-capacity fuselages, non-standard fuselage cross-section, elliptical fuselage, non-standard power elements of the frame design, power fuselage floor beam, analytical solution. 
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